Fiat Lux at DGSB

"Fiat Lux" - "Let There Be Light" - informs all that we do, both inside school and in the wider community. At its heart, we use this adage as a symbol of our intentions for our students - to look up, to better themselves and to strive confidently for the future. 

There are four elements to Fiat Lux work at DGSB. More information can be found by clicking below:

Fiat Lux Programme

The purpose of the Fiat Lux Programme is to raise aspirations and encourage students to aim as high as they can in all that they do. We are aware of how competitive the wider world is nowadays, and we want to give our students all the positive tools we can so that they can rise to the top when putting themselves forward for university places or employment / training opportunities in the future. We also want them to feel proud – just as we feel proud – of all the many things they are able to do and to go out into the world after their time at DGSB as confident, caring and thoughtful individuals.   

Key Stage 3 (Yr 7-8)

In KS3, the Fiat Lux Programme is very much about encouraging students to experience a varied range of activities the nature of which typically complement and enrich the school curriculum. The activities are set weekly as 'Assignments' in M365 Teams. Tasks are often linked to developing independence and engaging with the wider community through projects, fund raisers and competitions set by local institutions. To have a look at outcomes of the Fiat Lux Programme 'Assignments' please see our Fiat Lux Gallery. Key Stage 4 (only Yr 9-10) We see KS4 as an opportunity for students to fully develop their potential in a wide range of skills. Thus, the nature of the Fiat Lux Programme shifts from weekly tasks to longer projects which lead to a nationally recognised qualification in leadership. In Tutor Time pupils develop leadership and inter-personal skills, designed to complement their academic work and allow them to flourish both inside and outside the classroom. From September 2022, this will lead to a certificated qualification for DGSB students under the Fiat Lux Leadership banner.

The 'Assignments' set in KS3 act as samples and a precursor for the projects in the KS4 Fiat Lux Programme, which itself affords greater depth and more opportunity for student independence. 

Fiat Lux Scholars

A great source of pride for the Headteacher, the Fiat Lux Scholars are chosen as the members of the school community who have demonstrated one or more of the following:

- High academic attainment or progress

- Significantly improved effort, application, courage, resilience, and/or contribution to the life of the school in sport, music or the creative arts

- A high level of volunteering and / or service to others, whether inside or outside of school.

Students are selected on the basis of evidence from their teachers, form tutors and pastoral leaders. Those selected are then recognised around the school as they are awarded a Fiat Lux Scholar badge worn on the lapel of their blazers, and a special tie. 

Year 7 FLS are selected at the start of Term 3, with all other year groups having their re-designation process at the end of a given academic year.

In order to ensure fairness and to keep standards high, students can also be selected as 'Fiat Lux Scholar' at two distinct points during the year. 

Fiat Lux Mentors

One of the many responsibilities of the Fiat Lux Scholars, as students with an excellent attitude to school life, is to offer advice to younger students in the school who may benefit from mentoring and support.  

Born out of a desire to improve student experience in school and further develop our already strong sense of community, our mentors work in pairs with a student in the year below. They guide them through things they may be finding challenging and set targets to help them navigate school life in the most successful way possible.

Meetings take place once a fortnight during tutor time in the school canteen and all students involved are offered free morning refreshments to encourage conversation. 

Mentors are prepared for their roles through in-school workshops, training and shadowing of more experienced mentors. 

All sessions are supervised by Mr Rosier. 

This is Who We Are (TIWWA)

Originally developed in collaboration between students and teachers, 'This Is Who We Are' is a behaviour charter of positive affirmations which both define the student body and provide a model to which to aspire.

The 10 core elements of ''TIWWA'' can be found displayed in every classroom around the school reminding students of the school’s expectation that they conduct themselves by these principles at all times. 

Students are rewarded three times a year for their commitment and achievements towards this charter. 

TIWWA Poster Design...